

*    管理與資訊系 蕭龍生 老師

 學 期 別 
*    98學年度 第二學期

*    In this course, we will first review exponential andlogarithmic functions. Then we introduce integration and its applications. Finally, hope to turn our attention to calculus of several variables.。

*   Enable students to understand the concepts of exponential and logarithmc functions and their differentiation.
*   Enable students to understand the concept of integration and apply its skills.
*   Enable students to understand the concept of calculus of several variables and do its application.

*   指數與對數函數
*   指數與對數函數的微分
*   不定積分
*   代換積分
*   定積分與微積分基本定理
*   定積分的應用
*   分部積分
*   瑕積分
*   多變數函數
*   偏微分及其應用